I will promote your book with my book marketing stratergy


I am Happy to helping authors get succeed. With this best gig I will promote your book or Ebook on my Kindle book club blog and other blog. I will post good description of your book and buying  link. I will also do tweeting book to about 20,000 followers. I reserve the right to refuse any title. I do not guarantee sales but do provide exposure.

Targeted Online Marketing For Your Book!

*Promote Your Book or Ebook on My Kindle Book Club Blog.

*Twitter Posting and  Google Search engine optimization (SEO) Hashtags.

*Permanent Dedicated Page For Your Book + Google Search engine optimization (SEO) Indexing (with platinum or Gold Package).

*Banner Ad (with platinum or Gold Package).

*YouTube Channel Ad (with platinum Package).

*Boost Twitter Posting reaching much larger audience (with platinum  Package).

*Book Marketing Campaign Effectiveness &Search engine optimization (SEO) Report (with platinum Package).

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